
As a swim instructor I have witnessed, quite literally, kids take their first plunge. Some trip happily headfirst, and some need to be dunked. And once they resurface and wipe their eyes, their expressions can range from looking at me as if I’ve found the never-ending golden fountain of all fun… or I’m the devil himself thwarting their 5 year-old plans of dryness and dinner without vegetables.

Some fall into the water gracefully, others plop loudly, some want more, some cry, some laugh. Despite all of this (unless you’re one of those sexy professional divers you see on the Olympics) taking the plunge is usually, ungraceful, sudden, and with a messy splash.

It’s about taking a risk. And usually it all ends up being okay. Your instinct of shutting your mouth and holding your breath kicks in and you make out of it maybe coughing up a little bit. (For the record, Julia does not just chuck kids into the water and hope for the best!!)

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One of my favorite tricks when dunking a stubborn chickadee in the water, is as soon as they come up out of the water, wide-eyed and angry at you, tearing a bit – you quickly ask them “What’s your favorite dinosaur? How old are you? What’s your favorite color?” And in a magical swoop their mood switches from fearful shock to lively babbling of themselves. They thrive in the familiarity. And a confidence. They just did it. They just went under water.

We all need to remind ourselves what our favorite dinosaur is when something scary happens (and that would not be Barney just for the record). When we unknowingly trip headfirst into something and have to swim to the surface, we should take the risk of positivity. Most of the times, it’s all going to be okay!

Going on this trip me and my momma will be taking a bunch of plunges. Sure we have a map and plans and hours and stops – but anything can happen! And it’s up to US to view that as a GOOD THING (Wheeeee!!!!! I am ready!!!).

My momma and I both started young with straight hair. She thinks maybe we’ve been whacky and risky enough throughout our lives to have gained our curls. (Not saying those fabulous straight-haired people don’t take risks – it’s just a theory!!)

Life has risks. Take the plunge. Make the swim.
Life gets hairy. Take the cut or grow it out.

You decide!

Keep it Curly & Again THANK YOU for all who have donated and followed!


Curly Daughter



Book Proposal Curly Girls
We weren’t always curly.


Everyone and their mother is writing a book. (Seriously, everyone.)

So why not me and my (lovely) mother write one too?

Yes, our corny vision and wish as a curly-headed mother-daughter duo is to go cross-country this May 2015 and write a book after our adventure. We will be primarily drawing from our experiences on the road, trapped in a car with nowhere to turn but overplayed music, language learning CDs, and sheer blunt conversation.

Focusing on topics applicable to other mother-daughter relationships, we think we have enough mojo, tears, laughter and drama to share some tangled lessons learned.

We’ll call it: “Cross-Country Curls” with an equally corny tagline like “The road less combed” or “Get tangled.” Or something wonderfully awful like that. It’s a work in progress, people.

What are some topics YOU would like to read about? Talk about?
Also, let us know any tips on publishing, copyrighting, and all that mumbo jumbo!

Stay tuned and learn later this week how you can become a small or big part of this trip!

Follow us, pass on the word, and keep it curly.