
Hey everyone! I know it’s been quite a while since we last blogged. Who knew transitioning into reality would have taken so long?! We thank everyone for all the questions, well-wishes, and positive vibes. Judging by all the catastrophe in the US weather-wise, we made it out safely thanks to all of YOUR thoughts. Also, you have no idea how grateful we are to hear “every morning we sat down with some coffee and read your blogs” and even those who have said our trip inspired them to make adventures of their own!

So in attempt of a wrap-up blog before I go off to help run a sleep-away summer camp – Shameless Plug: Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp in Stokes State Forest a.k.a. the best place on earth… contact me for details – I’ve attempted to sum up my MANY thoughts about the trip and what I’ve learned. These are very general – specifics will come out in the book!

22 Lessons Learned from the 22 Year Old

  1. People should really be required to go barefoot one day a week.
  2. Parents will over-do what their parents didn’t do, which will make you over-do what your parent’s didn’t do. Don’t fight the give-and-take cycle, be aware of it, and make positive changes.
  3. MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! Sitting for too long in life makes your blood and lifeline turn to glue. Get your juices flowing and get out there.
  4. Meditation is WAY harder than expected.
  5. You CAN manufacture happiness and fun. If you fake a smile or force a laugh long enough, your body and brain will happily catch up !
  6. The world is a patchwork of people. The same country can have 100 different cultures, accents, landscapes, and still be strangers to each other. Bridge the gap in any way you can.
  7. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree.
  8. Wear the same clothes for a week, it’s refreshing to not give a damn!
  9. BE WEIRD. BE YOU. 9/10 times it’ll put a smile on someone’s face.
  10. Small talk can go a long way.
  11. Test your limits. Endurance of the heart is an admirable way to train.
  12. SOAK UP YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Who knows when that exact moment will ever exist again? With the same people? With your same self?
  13. Fighting is natural. Learn your fighting style and your partner’s or parent’s. If their style is incompatible with yours make an escape plan.
  14. Don’t judge a soul by its wrappings.
  15. Despite all the ugliness, we do live in a beautiful world.
  16. Sometimes there’s nothing a good beer can’t fix.
  18. Family is such a loose term. Spread the love.
  19. Every single person on this planet is just trying their best. Even if their “best” isn’t to your standards. Attempt compassion when it is hardest.
  20. Practice what you preach.
  21. Learn how to feel small. Giant animals, mountains, storms, stars, landscapes remind us to stay humble.
  22. Tall, fat, short, skinny, black, white, rich, poor – there’s beauty in all walks of life. Find it.

Of course there was SO MUCH MORE LEARNED and experienced on this trip. That’s why we’re taking a year to write our book! Although we won’t be able to greet you with a blog every morning with your coffee, we will do our very best at keeping you updated with the Curly Girl’s book. We’re hoping to promote better mother-daughter relationships and share our past stories and how they tangled up and wound up popping up on our trip. I am so thankful for my mother who is incredibly strong and beyond inspirational. I could go on and on and on about how fabulous she is – but hey, we have a whole book to write. Stay tuned and thank you so much for all of your support!


Curly J

PS. It’s Mama’s birthday tomorrow 🙂


Curly J and I are both “lists” people.  We like to make TO DO lists, WISH lists, BUCKET lists, GOAL lists, RECIPE lists…lists to make lists…you get the picture.  So in my true list-like nature, I thought it would be fun for us to come up with our own TOP TEN LIST of things we individually want to accomplish on this curly adventure.  To be written in no particular order…separately…and then compare them after.  Here is what we came up with.  Share with me how you think this adventure is going to pan out?


Curly Mom’s Top Ten
1. Have more fun than is humanly possible!!!!!!!
2. Floss every day…I’m 53…I really should be able to do this, right?
3. Say YES to every adventure that presents itself (legal one’s y’all!!!!)
4. Come back thinner than I’m leaving (yeah never did lose the 15 I thought I would lose…ugh)
5. Write every day for our book…believe that I am a writer!!!  Some wise man told me that a writer writes every day.
6. Search for some kick ass cowboy boots!!!!
7. Meditate 20 minutes every day…find my zen (I’m pretty centered, but want to be zen-centered).
8. Stop at every single winery we pass…make a new friend while there!!!
9. Be productive during my “passenger” time…read, clean out pics on computer, work on JOY sessions, listen to last 5 years of Zumba music, learn lyrics to Baby’s Got Back and Rapper’s Delight, learn Spanish.
10. Perform a Random Act of Kindness in every state.
And my daughter’s list…
1. Have FUN!
2. Learn how to meditate longer than the attention span of a goldfish.
3. Live in the NOW (and allot myself only one mental breakdown about the future).
4. Make others laugh.
5. See if castor oil actually makes your hair grow.
6. Write about the insanity (and love) of my mother for our book.
7. Have a friendly conversation with a stranger in every state we go through.
8. Be barefoot as much as legally possible.
9. Find meaning to share in every little thing we experience.
10. Not kill my own mother.