I was attempting to explain to my mother that cameras now have video, when it hit me. WE LEAVE TOMORROW. And we have an ungodly amount of packing to do! When we will be looking around and scrounging for what is on our packing list, we will be cherishing every bit of advice, good vibes, coffee mugs, gift bags, and support that was given to us since we start this blog and shared our journey.

Here’s a nice little video ramble of how much we appreciate you!

Blast off is tomorrow! Stay tuned for our sponsors, and lots and lots of stories!

The blogs start rolling in – tomorrow!

Keep it Curly.


After a tortuous 30 minutes of explaining to my wonderful mother what a “blog post” was, it’s official! (I wasn’t that bad!) Starting today there will be at least one post each week leading up to our Cross Country trip this May!

We have 76 days left people, so stay tuned. (Wheeeeeeeee!!!!!)

Want to see the actual route we are taking? Click right here!

As you can see, we are traveling around the yummy crust of America and gutting the middle. We really would love everyone to spread the word, become a follower of this blog, and especially GIVE US SUGGESTIONS! This will be a well documented trip and all of our experiences will be a contribution to our future book about mother/daughter relationships. Curly Mama thinks we can get 1,000 followers. (YES we can!!! Please prove me right, people!)

For example, just by mentioning we were going to cut through Texas, we have already been mandated to spend an entire day at an Alligator Farm. (Seriously. Mandated. If we don’t, she’ll send gators after us.) Post us restaurants, sights, hikes, anything! Want two smelly overtired curly-headed humans for company for a night? Offer us a couch or floor for us to sleep on!

Stay tuned for more about our book proposal, fears, decisions, madness, and hosted events in the next two and a half months leading up to this trip. (If we don’t kill each other in the planning process, that is).


Two freakish peas in a pod.
Two freakish peas in a pod.